We had lots of fun spending Thanksgiving with family in AZ. We stayed at Jono's parents house with his other siblings. We missed THe Larks and The Collins though. We had fun getting involved in the Turkey Waddle. We ran 3.2 miles for Noah and Jill Tylers little nephew who has cancer. I am glad we could be apart of it to help his family raise money. HE is such a cute little boy. It felt so good to run after not running for a month b/c of just having a baby. Carter rode his scooter for about 2 miles and then had a break down because he was soo tired. I can't believe that he rode that far on his little scooter..what a little champ. Sawyer had fun riding in the stroller while I pushed him. We also had fun going to the AZ temple lights. So pretty. I have never seen so many lights on temple grounds before. Carter loved all the lights. We had a fun, memorable Thanksgiving. We are so Thankful for all that we have!

Carter at the starting line

Sawyer breakin' a sweat

Cleanin' up after Thanksgiving Dinner

Our little family

The whole Gang

Daddy and Carter hopping up the stairs
Yippee! A new post of my adorable baby boy's family. What a fun time in AZ. I'm so glad you were all there together. I loved the pictures of the boys in the waddle. What a champ my champ is to go so far. I'm so glad you found your wallet too. That sure is a cute hat picture with Carter. I heard you are blessing Sawyer on Sunday is that right? I miss you all and ILYT oxoxox
So glad to see some new pics!! I have missed seeing you guys! Looks like you have a blast in AZ, and your boys are both so precious!!
Love the pics! It was so fun to see you guys down here and to be able to hold Baby Sawyer, he is just so adorable even if he does spit up all over my brand new shirt- lol! Great seeing you guys, keep up the posting!
Those little Collins boys are so cute! I better get to see Sawyer before we move. I get into to CA the Tuesday before you guys leave and Im going to stay at Brookes, so we definitely need to meet up sometime before you guys take off to Denver.
awe. such cute pictures! i'm feeling pretty sheepish - i have a whole pile of stuff for you (and Sawyer) that i forgot to give you when you were over. so i'll be coming down soon to deliver it :) so how was the blessin?
Your family is so cute. I hope all is well.
Yay for the update!! Your little family is so cute! You look amazing... and running a race! Good for you, that is awesome!
Well, I wanted to tell you that we with the Henry's are having a big "Poway People" party the 26th of December at the Carpenter's house. We would love if your family could come, if you will be in town. There is a blog you can check out for details, make a profile etc. It is: www.reunionrubbish.blogspot.com
We would love to see you!
Hey Shelly, It was so goog seeing you guys over Thanksgiving! I wish we could have hung out but I know things are so crazy when you are visiting family. Little Sawyer is just the cutest thing ever, and Carter on his scooter was so funny! I love your kids!!
Ahh! I wish I had known you were in AZ! We would have loved to see your cute family! You'll have to let us know next time you're in town so you can stop by. Good job on the turkey waddle! Carter and Sawyer are sooooo cute!
Oh so cute! I had to laugh at the pic of Jono & Carter jumpin up the steps at the temple...Savannah kept doing the same thing on those same steps when we went over Christmas break! Too cute... looks like you guys had a great holiday! We'll have to get together soon.
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