
Carter's 1st Day of Preschool was and is definitely a big day in both of our lives!! Carter was so excited for his big day.... HE got to wear his "1st day of preschool clothes", wear a backpack (which had nothing in it), have a teacher, be able to bring home his "art projects", meet new friends, have sharing time each day, and just feel important and Big cause he was going to school!! As his mommy, it was a big day for me because this was the start of some time, 3 hours to be exact, to get more things done and maybe some free time to myself..that is if Sawyer is sleeping. I love my Carter so much and love spending time with him, but I am sure all of you moms would agree that having some time alone is much needed and nice. It will also be nice to spend more one on one time with little Sawyer! So, Yeah for preshool! Carter had a great day and was already asking if he could go back to preschool when we got home. He also loves it because he gets to go to preschool with his 2 good friends Ella & Kallie! I am so happy he loves it. IT will be so good for him to experience being in a class room setting, with a teacher to listen to, and to be learning all the fun things they do in preschool. THis is the start of a good thing!